Category: News


Stay with me, remain here with me,watch and pray, [Taize] What can we do? Christain Aid will be doing what it can – and  as supporters we will be sending our donation Grrenpeace have offered us the following: Last Thursday, people across Ukraine woke up to the devastating sounds of Russian missiles putting them…

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Book Group 17th Jan

Just a reminder that the Book Group meets next Monday 12th January at 7.30pm for 7.45pm. Steve will, I hope, send out the link nearer the date. We will continue and hopefully complete our discussion on ‘The Godless Gospel’. The chapters remaining are: Chapter 8 which essentially deals with the question ‘Is Jesus against family…

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There was interest last Sunday in trying another walk. Gwyneth has suggested an easy flat walk around Altrincham. It starts at Seamon’s Road car park in Broadheath, which is opposite the junction with Atlantic Street. We are proposing to meet there at 10 am with something to eat if you want. The walk should be…

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