Lent Series 2021

We are planning to have an online Lent Series on Thursday evenings during Lent, ending with a service on Maundy Thursday.  What is planned is:

  • To meet via Zoom at 7.30pm each Thursday, starting on 18th February
  • To meet for approx. 30-40 minutes each time (this will allow those who do not have “work” Zoom to host if they wish)
  • To follow the same basic format each week, of prayer/recorded music (Taize-style)/Psalm/Bible readings on the theme for the week/quiet time for personal reflection/further led reflection/closing prayer
  • There may be a time for discussion after the closing prayer, but people may prefer to leave after the quieter time
  • You don’t need to buy or download any materials in advance
  • We will take as a starting point the resources in http://www.unforcedrhythms.org/contemplative-spirituality/lent-meditations/ (though not necessarily their translation of the Bible) and will use their format of considering one of the Gospel characters each week, but as a group we will not be  following the meditative practices and journalling which they recommend, just listening to the readings each week and having a period of quiet – though of course individuals may wish to take it further on their own.
  • I will set up and circulate the materials for the first 2 weeks in advance of the relevant meeting.  Offers to lead subsequent weeks will be very welcome!

As with everything we do, these meetings are very much optional and you don’t need to apologise if you can’t make it or just don’t feel inspired.

Gwyneth 9/2/21